How a peanut is climate positive

How a peanut is climate positive

A peanut spread from Zambia not only emits few GHGs (greenhouse gases) it also removes carbon from the atmosphere.

At the core of this claim are the farmers who cultivate peanuts while caring for their forests. The long journey from Zambia to your grocery store is not the issue. Transport emissions are typically less than 10% of the total from food.*

An analysis of GHGs - starting at the farm and ending up with you - shows a peanut spread that is beyond carbon neutral. Improved farm and forest management enables the Zambia-USA value chain to reduce 22.6 kg of GHGs per each kg of peanut spread.

The climate positivity of COMACO foods is likely to be significantly higher since only 10% of COMACO farmers are part of a verified landscape carbon project. The ultimate degree of climate positivity becomes part of a larger debate of whether carbon removals are: (a) permanent, given future risks of fires and forest conversions, (b) considered an offset to emissions elsewhere, and/or (c) an imperfect yet transformative market mechanism to advance a transition toward a greener global economy.

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